Payday lenders like Moneytree prey on people when they're most vulnerable. They offer small bridge loans that are easy to get and seem to help get you through to your next paycheck. However, before you know it, they charge you insane fees to keep you in a cycle of debt with them. The exorbitant fees and high interest make it difficult to repay the loan on time. And when you can't pay it back, predatory lenders force you to either roll over the loan or take out a new one, adding even more fees and interest. As the debt grows, it is harder and harder to break free, trapping you in a never-ending loop of borrowing and repayment.
The good news is there is a way to get out of this debt trap. Our Bellingham attorneys, knowledgeable of payday lender tricks inside and out, know when they are breaking the law. We'll help you free yourself from the cycle and find the best way to legally erase Moneytree and Payday loan debt once and for all. Call us now for a free consultation. We're Bellingham's best defense against predatory lenders!
Understanding The Payday Loan Debt TrapPayday loans are called a "debt trap" because of how they trick people into an endless cycle of debt. While predatory lenders market their loans as helpful fixes for unexpected financial stress, they quickly become the cause of the financial stress. Here's how this predatory debt trap works to scam good people:
Quick Approval For Small LoansThe trap starts simple enough. Payday lenders say they approve everyone's loans because they're "here to help" get you out of a pinch. You think this is great - it's just a small amount that you can pay back easily. However, what they don't tell you is that their "help" comes with extraordinarily high interest rates, like a shocking annual percentage rate (APR) of 300% or more. Then you only have a very short window to repay the loan and the staggering interest rate, sometimes only two weeks!
Trapped The Payday Loan Debt LoopIf you can't pay the loan and have extreme interest rates in that short window, they will roll over and renew the loan. The rollover and renewal come with new fees, penalty charges, and interest added to your balance. Many times, you have no choice but to take out another loan with them to pay off the old one, leading to even more charges. Within weeks, you are in a debt cycle that is increasingly harder and harder to escape. Suddenly, even though you only borrowed a few hundred dollars, you now owe thousands.
How Responsible People Can Get Scammed by Payday LendersMoneytree and Payday lenders market their short-term loans as a convenient, straightforward way to help deal with small, unexpected financial problems. Responsible people want to cover these urgent expenses, so they believe they are doing the right thing financially. However, with deceptive contractual language and, often, illegal lending practices, predatory lenders can trick borrowers.
Most of the time, people turn to Moneytree and Payday lenders because they face a financial emergency. In those times, you're not thinking straight because of the stress and pressure, so you may not have had many options to deal with the crisis. And this is exactly what Moneytree and Payday target. They go after people who don't have other financial options, exploiting them during vulnerable situations and tricking them into an exploitative cycle of debt.
Over the 30 years our attorneys have practiced debt relief law in Bellingham and Washington state, we have seen so many good people get caught in the debt trap. Often, our Bellingham neighbors turned to a Moneytree or Payday lender because there was a medical emergency. They were a victim of a crime or another financial hardship out of their control. Then, the predatory lenders offered to "help," and suddenly, their financial health was in ruins.
We refuse to let predatory lenders exploit our neighbors. If you're in the debt trap, know that you have a way out. Call our Bellingham attorneys now for a free consultation. We know exactly how to stop the cycle.
Are You a Victim of Predatory Lending?Responsible lenders follow federal regulations like the Truth in Lending Act (TILA) and the Washington State Consumer Loan Act. Predatory lenders, on the other hand, skirt the law. Here are some signs that you may have been victimized:
If you are experiencing any of these practices, you are likely dealing with a predatory lender. In that case, you must call our Bellingham attorneys right away. Both federal and Washington laws provide protections against these predatory lending tactics. Our lawyers will use their knowledge of these laws to end the debt cycle and get these predators off your back!
What Does Washington Law Say About Predatory Lending?Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) is the body that regulates payday lending in our state. It outlines strict rules that Moneytree and Payday lenders must follow in the Washington Check Cashers and Sellers Act. These regulations limit the maximum loan amount to whatever is less: $700 or 30% of your monthly income. Further, under state law, payday lenders must disclose the full cost of the loan, any fees, and the APR and cannot roll over loans more than eight times per year, protecting you from endless cycles of debt.
At the federal level, the TILA and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) define your rights against predatory lending.
TILA requires Moneytree and payday lenders to disclose the total cost of credit, interest rates, and fees to all borrowers. They must provide this information before you agree to the loan terms so you can make informed financial decisions. On the other hand, the FDCPA protects you from harassment, threats, and other abusive practices by debt collectors, giving you the right to dispute debts and request verification.
Our Bellingham attorneys know these laws inside and out. If you're dealing with a predatory lender, we will make sure they are held accountable to the full extent of the law.
How a Bellingham Attorney Protects You Against Predatory LendersOur experienced Bellingham attorneys are here to protect your rights and hold predatory lenders accountable for their actions. We'll help you break free from the payday loan debt trap and help you rebuild your financial stability. Here are some of the steps our top-rated Bellingham attorneys will take to protect you:
We won't just defend against predatory lenders––we'll help you rebuild. Our compassionate Bellingham legal team will protect your rights and help you secure your future.
Your Best Defense Against Predatory Lenders in BellinghamWith our law practice right in Bellingham, we live and work across Whatcom County. You can find us hiking the Chuckanut Mountains, watching a Bellingham Bells ballgame, or grabbing a slice at Fiamma, so we know how the cost of living has risen lately in Bellingham. We've also seen how predatory lenders have started to take advantage of good people in our community, and we're determined to fight back!
Our legal team will stop the harassment and protect your hard-earned money. If you're facing mounting debt or dealing with predatory lenders, contact our law office now to schedule a free consultation and find out how our team of skilled Washington debt relief attorneys will get your finances back on track.