If you fall behind on credit card payments, high interest can make it impossible to get caught up. Eventually, you may notice that the majority of your monthly payment is going to pay interest. If you miss a payment or two, debt collectors will start a pattern of harassment designed to embarrass and intimidate you into giving them anything to make it stop.
Falling behind credit card payments does not make you a failure in life, and it doesn't give anyone the right to badger you nonstop. Honest people living in Federal Way often get caught up in a cycle debt that makes them lose all hope of ever catching up. This is why bankruptcy laws were created - to help hard working people get a fresh financial start when they need it most. Our credit card relief lawyers in Federal Way help numerous people discharge all of their credit card debt every year. It may be possible for you to do the same.
The minute you petition the bankruptcy court for relief, all debt collection ceases immediately, including credit card obligations. Put a stop to the harassing phone calls and take the first step toward having your credit card debt discharged by the court. Contact our law office for a free consultation and find out how bankruptcy can work for you.
Wipe out credit card debt and hit the reset button on creditMany Federal Way residents fall behind on credit card debt no matter how hard they try to stay ahead. Whether a person loses their job, gets sick or hurt, or goes through some other hardship, sometimes things happen unexpectedly that makes it impossible to keep up with bills.
Meanwhile, credit card companies have no problem offering exorbitant credit lines with high interest rates, knowing that hardships can befall anyone. If you suddenly don't have the money to make payments, these same companies will often sell the debt to a collection agency for pennies on the dollar.
Debt collection companies are often ruthless, and will pursue all sorts of unscrupulous methods in an effort to make a profit at your expense. You may get phone calls at all hours of day and night, and they sometimes make good on threats to call your place of work. Some may even suggest that you dip into your retirement savings to pay down the bill, which could further damage your finances without eliminating a fraction of the credit card debt.
Our Federal Way bankruptcy lawyers will help you fight backWhen your bankruptcy attorney in Washington files your case in court, creditors are mandated to cease all contact with you. End of story. Credit cards are also the last in line to be paid when you file for bankruptcy, so all or part of this debt is usually discharged. If you file for Chapter 7, all credit card debt will probably be wiped out. If you file Chapter 13, you only pay what you can afford, which is often very little or nothing.
If you decide to file for bankruptcy, our Federal Way attorneys urge you to stop making charges on your credit cards. You may also want to consider halting any and all payments so that you can free up money for other expenses. If you do stop making payments, don't wait too long to file or your creditors may serve you with a lawsuit to garnish your wages.
Contact a King County bankruptcy lawyer from our law office today for a free consultationIf you're worried about permanently damaging your credit because of filing for bankruptcy, your fears are likely unwarranted. Once debt is discharged, you can quickly earn the trust of lenders by proving you are responsible with your finances.
Contact a Federal Way credit card debt relief lawyer for more information.