Unmanageable debt can turn your life upside down. If you've fallen behind on bills and simply can't get back on track, Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers a way to start over financially with a clean slate. Chapter 7 bankruptcy eliminates all or most of your unsecured debt, which includes credit cards and medical bills. It also provides you with an opportunity to repair your credit, and stop harassing phone calls from debt collectors once and for all.
If you're struggling with debt, you're not alone. People all over the country are dealing with situations beyond their control that caused them to fall behind on bills. Some get sick and miss work, others are laid off, but the government created bankruptcy laws to help people get a fresh start when they need it most.
This underscores the fact that filing for bankruptcy relief does not equate to failure. In truth, filing for Chapter bankruptcy is an intelligent financial choice in a number of situations. Is it right for you? Talk to one of our Federal Way debt relief lawyers and find out.
Stop debt collection by contacting our Federal Way Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneysCredit card companies and other creditors often sell unpaid debt to collection agencies for pennies on the dollar. This can happen to your debt after just three months of non-payment, regardless of your situation. Debt collection agencies essentially do the dirty work for the creditors, and they are often ruthless in their attempts to make a profit off of people who simply are unable to afford the bill.
These tactics often work, whether they try to make people feel like they are failures in life, threaten them with lawsuits, or say that filing for bankruptcy will cause them to lose everything. This kind of relentless badgering can turn your life into a living nightmare.
Our Federal Way bankruptcy attorneys can stop the harassment, petition the court to discharge all or most of your debt, and help you get a fresh start financially. There is a reason debt collectors hate us, and it's because we show people the truth about bankruptcy and offer them a proven way to resolve severe debt issues.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy lets anyone hit the financial reset button.Most people consider bankruptcy when they are at rock bottom financially, usually after suffering a setback like getting laid off or a hospital stay. Whatever the reason for financial problems, it often makes more sense to start over then it does to stay locked in a pattern of growing debt.
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Federal Way offers a proven way to start over. The second one of our King County bankruptcy lawyers files on your behalf, all collections immediately stop. Wage garnishments, and lawsuits stop. Even car repossessions and home foreclosures stop. All contact from creditors and debt collectors also stops.
Our Federal Way Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys can help you take the next stepContact our Federal Way law office for a free consultation and find out whether you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you're struggling to make ends meet and you're below the median Washington household income, you likely will.
Our flat fees for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy are affordable, and eliminate any worry of surprise costs down the line. We've helped countless people in Federal Way hit the financial reset button, put a stop to the harassment, and get a fresh start financially.